3 Major Modifications To Make Your Go Kart Drive Faster

Go kart racing is a motorsport event that involves speeding up the engine on the narrow racetrack. Unlike a normal car, a go kart doesn’t have functions that allow the driver to be aggressive on it. Drivers of this small vehicle use special techniques to control it when turning the corners or hitting the higher fear. If you want to win a race, you need to make some change to your kart.


A rookie go kart driver may need a traditional motorcycle or scooter engine that can release up to 450cc power and produces about 60 horsepower. Such engines are available in twin and single systems. However, you have to be sure that your go kart can carry the burden of the engine. Considering the body capacity and ability of the vehicle, you will need to invest in the Crossfire engine that will fit into the kart. Go to a local go kart manufacturer that offers top quality engines and parts to propel your kart at maximum performance.

Wheel materials

All the wheels of go karts look similar when they roll on the track, but these circular frames come in different designs and materials. Aluminum wheels help the axle balance the entire body structure during the speed run. Meanwhile, magnesium wheels provide the same functions but with better efficiency. This material is much expensive as compared to aluminum, and it is the most preferred metal among professional go kart racers. If you are a beginner, you can get casting or forming aluminum wheels for a starter. 

Wiring harness

When you buy a new go kart, the manufacturer may provide you with a type of wire fittings for the vehicle. Once you become handy with the vehicle, you may want to modify small details to make you feel more comfortable at the wheels. A pile of wires on the floor can hamper your movement when driving the kart. While other exterior parts of the vehicle can be easily replaced separately, the wiring harness for engine and fuel needs a complete overhaul. When you decide to rewire your go kart, you must hire an experienced mechanic to do the job. 

If you want to perform better in the next race, you need to take your go kart to the auto shop to evaluate the condition of the engine and its components. Skilled mechanics may recommend you a Twister engine for speed or a new carburetor for clean air.


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